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Bought an ex demo XJ from stratstone Jaguar earlier this year. The purchase was carried out mainly by phone and email. During negotiations I received countless emails and calls with bits of information rather than collecting all details and sending a few comminications. Because of mismanagemt by Stratstone I needed to resubmit paperwork on the day of intended pick up but that was jeopardised because Of the distance from me in South East counties and Wolverhampton. Stratstone emailed the night before to say the car couldn't be handed over unless I recompleted finance papers (they had incorrectly spelt my forename on the original paper). Luckily I picked up that email WHY DIDN'T THEY PHONE. It was agreed I would drive to my nearest Stratstone in east London to resubmit papers. I arrived signed new papers and was totally ignored by all staff who were 'too busy in meetings'. My new car was waiting altho I was told it would be delivered to me at my home. It had been driven to London by a temporary driver not connected woth Stratstone. After waiting an hour the xriver and I were told by the drivers boss by phone we could both leave. NOBODY AT STRATSTONE. OTHERED TO TELL US. I drove away in the cst to find it had ben driven around 1300 miles more than advertised and stated on the paperwork. The fuel tank had enough for 35 miles altho the agreement was a full tank. Nobody completed or wanted to complete a handover. Nobody told me about online service history, nobody we t thru the paperwork, nobody went tbru the finance agreement. Nobody has ever got back to me to check my satisfaction with the csr. IF YOU WANT A JAGUAR GO TO A DEALERSHIP YOU KNOW. IF YOU WANT A CAR BOUGHT AS A SUPERMARKET EXPERIENCE TAKE A CHANCE WITH STRATSTONE. Personnally when i spend zround £50k I prefer a better experience, trestment and respect.

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