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I bought a Jaguar XJ Portfolio from Stratstone Jaguar Wolverhampton in April 2015. It was an ex demo advertised with just over 3000 miles on the odo reading. The car was exactly the spec I had searched for and I agreed to purchase it witn a need/request to complete the deal in May. This clearly wasnt the news Stratstone wanted and for 3 days e mail followed email followed email to get the cesl complted before the end of April. Eve tually it was on the understanding Stratstone delivered the car to me in Kent. Before that I was required to drive to my nearest Stragstone desler in Woodfordcto sign papers which I did. The agrrement was in place to deliver the car to me on Thursday. At 4.30pm on the evening before Stztstone emailed to say there had been a hitch and I needed to go back to Woodford (London) to resign paperwork on the day of deliveru, return to Kent then await delivery. JUST FORTUNATELY I READ THE EMAIL. WHY DIDNT THEY RING LIKE A REASONABLY COMPETENT DEALER WOULD. I rang and said i was not happy but would do so. Stratstone promised to deliver the car fully fueled. The following day as I was driving into Strats t one Woodford, I received a call to say change of plan, I should collect the car at Woodford (part ex). It had been fully valeted, fuelled and readh to be handed over. I arrived at Woodford. The business manager was too busy to complete a handovet, no other staff seemed willing or interested. The only 'handover' was the delivery driver telling me the car had massage seats. Big handover, awesome. I Drove away and the fuel light came on. The car had t been fuelled. Tne car odo reading was well over 1000 more than advertised and confirmed by Stratstone Wolverhampton. On arriving home i found biscuit rumbx i. The 'valeted' armrest. I complained to Wolverhampton whrn I returned home. Later the following day I received an 'amazing offer' to compensate me. 10 years free Mot at Stratstone on the car worth '£350'. I pointed out 10 yrars is actuaaly 7 years on a new car and it would cost probably twice £350 for me to drive from Kent to London each year for a 'free Mot'. Stratstone didnt offer anything else for misleading me, misrepresenting the car details, poor management, unlikely valeting, no handover, no explanation of online service history, no apology. If you want service you expect in a supermarket Stratsyone are paasable. If you expect service from a Jaguat representative, keep away from Stratstone Wolverhampton.

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