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I visited your counter recently and it wasn't a nice experience. The assistant was so rude, it's unbelievable. I was told there was a 10 minute wait, which I didn't have a problem with. However 10 minutes became 40. At this point I stepped forward for the assistant to know that I was still waiting. She had left me sitting on the stool while she began serving other customers and answering the phone. When she eventually came back to see to me, she stood right my face and argued that it was company policy to leave customers (who they are already serving) to deal with fresh customers who have just walked in for help and advice. This she told me was UNDIVIDED attention. I corrected her, to which she raised her voice, for everyone to hear and repeated that this was company policy. I am now quite aware of your company policy now, as she repeated it 3 times. Rest assured I will never purchase another item from the Wolverhampton branch. Thank you assistant for exposing yourself for what you are - rude, unhelpful and lacking customer care. MAC you need to drastically change your policy, or perhaps MISS ASSISTANT has got it wrong. Having dealt with me, on the way to the counter she stopped at length to assist , not one but two customers. Yes, she made her point clearly - oops, the policy kicked in again. Needless to say, I left with my money in my pocket.

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