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Only giving them a 1 star rating because there is no other alternative. I would suggest to anyone thinking of being a tenant to think twice about it.. They are rude, never interested in your problems and only get off their seats if they smell a bit of commission We spent all winter 2013 with no boiler or central heating. Calling the agents to wasted my time. So we boiled our own hot water and got in 4 electric heaters. Unacceptable when you have 3 children all under 5 years old. The houses never received it's gas test so the whole year we live there, it could of been dangerous. You are treated like a fool by unschooled agents with less education than you. Laughable really! The houses are not up to scratch, mainly the older ones on their books, landlords just paint over the problems and tenants only find out month or two after signing the agreement. I could go on and on, but I have made my point and I respect myself enough not to waste anymore of my time on wasters like them. I will had that this is just my experience. Others may say different. Look for another agent.

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