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Wonderful front desk at Lawsons but diabolical letting management by Concentric - but who are we actually dealing with? I contracted to Lawsons but they play you off with Concentric and then say it is Lawsons. Where are the names for nearly all your positive reviews. 1. You contractually state that full reference checks will be made. Why no guarantor security? You failed to do a proper check on a terrible tenant who was easily found after a five minute google. This tenant had been clearly identified in a Darlington newspaper as being allegedly involved in illegal activity. Furthermore, what about the thousands of pounds of debt that she was carrying with Darlington Council Tax and British Gas. True or false? Did I have to go through the courts to evict her? Did you know about the extra tenant? 2. You contractually agreed that no animals would be allowed. You contractually agreed to inspect the property. You excused yourselves for not spotting the cat or the cat faeces in every room often trodden into the carpets that have all had to be replaced. How about the cat faeces in many cupboards and half the green bin filled with cat litter and faeces for me to dispose of. How about the ruined sofa due to cat scratches that your company claimed was a knife cut, how about the cat scratching that damaged the wallpaper in several areas. Couldn't you see the large plastic enclosable cat home in the washroom? How about the large cage for an animal in the back garden? You said I could not do anything about the animals except sign a new clause in the letting agreement. 3. The tenant agreed to decorate to a professional standard. I defy you to see the state of my house. And, where are the photographs of said decoration? 4. Tell me about the pathetic silicon sealant twice put in the bathroom over 18 months that needs to be done again? 5. Tell me about the eight loads of rubbish and filthy condition of the house. Oh, but they can hide things for a paid visit! 6. Tell us about the HMRC tax money withheld for some months but then returned. There was no proper certification. 7. Tell us about the fact that your company constantly changes the majority of it's staff. Why do they all leave so quickly? Tell us why emails are sent by different staff all the time so nobody knows what's going on and the council wasn't contacted about council tax when the tenant was evicted. 8. Tell us about the fact that the letting management is done by a different management company, Concentric, that operates in a Fort Knox type building. 9. The tenant took two doors off the hinges and damaged them. 10. You wanted 2 thousand pounds to tidy up and clean after the tenant had to be evicted. So there you are. You thought I was permanently abroad and wouldn't check.

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